Friday, July 8, 2011

What I'm Listening to Now

See instructions below:

Click play and then close your eyes and think of your favorite stretch of road. Might be something recent or some distant memory from your childhood. Now think of going down that road on a motorcycle at a nice clip. It's 100 degrees out, but you can’t feel your skin burning because the air rushing by cools you. You let go of the handle bars, stretch your arms out in celebration of life. You’re on your bike, you're with your lady (or man if you are a lady). You're alive. You're listening to this song as you pull into a town that time forgot. An old western town, a blue color town. You get a red light as you approach the one stop light on main street. A weather and time worn lady, maybe 70 years young, eye balls you as she walks by in the crosswalk. As she gets right in front of you she cracks a small smile and nods in approval. You take that with you as you leave that town, back to the open road.

Yes, this happened last week and this is why I ride.

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