Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Podcast: My Thoughts on Quantitative Easing

I've been promising to send out my thoughts on the whole quantitative easing concept and what it means to our economy, the housing industry and the world economy. This podcast fulfills that promise.

As I point out in this recording, I don't consider myself an academic. Normally, concepts like QE might be considered squarely in the territory of financial analysts and Ph.D.'s. But when the signs become so clear and the evidence so compelling that it can no longer be ignored, those of us working to keep our country and economy strong are called to speak out.

That's what I'm doing here and I hope you get some value out of it. I also hope you respond. Don't be afraid to leave a comment on this page. Sure, we moderate all comments to this blog, but I won't prevent anyone from speaking out if they present a good argument, respectfully and with a goal of making things better. So, let me know what you think.

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